Leilão 126 Antiguidades e Obras de Arte, Pratas e Jóias


Escola Italiana, séc. XVIII


10.000 - 15.000

Sessão 3

21 Março 2023


"São Bento recebendo ofertas dos camponeses"
Óleo sobre tela

227x132 cm




A pintura que agora trazemos a leilão é baseada num fresco perdido de Guido Reni (1575-1642) para Igreja San Michele in Bosco, em Bolonha.
Ao falar de Guido Reni na sua obra “Felsina Pittrice: vite de' pittori bolognesi”, o historiador de arte Carlo Cesare Malvasia (1616–1693) descreve-nos este fresco com as seguintes palavras:
“In this painting Guido represented Saint Benedict at the top of a mountain, stepping out of a grotto with a certain affability that does non diminish his gravitas, receiving the various gifts brought to him by the rustic inhabitants of different genders, ages, and complexions, and diverse in proportion, attitudes, and costumes. A graceful young girl, girdled with the finest veils and carrying a basket of eggs, is in the style of Raphael; in the style of Correggio, an older girl, her companion, with a smiling face rests a hand upon her shoulder. Both look out toward the viewers with so much liveliness and spirit they seem to breathe. In the style of Titian there is a little sheperd playing a flute with hands of a living and tender flesh; another sheperd, of not inferior beauty, listens intently to his music. In the style of Annibale is a woman with a nursing baby at her breast, and another older child whom she prods with her right hand into offering a basket of apples on which he fixes greedy eyes. Passing over many other figures, I shall mention a full-length nude in the foreground who pulls forcefully at a donkey's reins, and who is so vigorously and furiously drawn that it would seem that Michelangelo himself had traced his contours, leaving to the school of Lombardy the task of covering his body with living flesh in a more tender manner”.
Atualmente no local, encontramos uma cópia dessa representação realizado pelo pintor Giovanni Maria Viani (1636-1700).
Giacomo Maria Giovannini (1667–1717), passou a pintura a gravura e encontramos exemplares nas mais diversas colecções privadas e publicas como serve de exemplo a coleção do Philadelphia Museum of Art com o número de inventário 1985-52-22095, e a do Victoria and Albert Museum com o número de inventário DYCE.1528.

Leilão Terminado