Conjunto de livros referência sobre cerâmica e porcelana chinesas


700 - 1.000


6 Dezembro 2023


ALLEN, Anthony J., 'Introduction to the later Chinese Porcelain', Allen's Enterprises Ltd, Auckland, 1996;
ALLEN, Anthony J., 'Allen's Authentication of Later Chinese Porcelain (1796 AD - 1999 AD)', Allen's Enterprises Ltd, Auckland, 2013 (Copyright);
ALLEN, Anthony J., 'Allen's Authentication of Ancient Chinese Ceramics', Allen's Enterprises Ltd, Auckland, 2006;
BOULAY, Anthony du, 'La Porcelaine Chinoise', Plaisir des Images - Hachette, Paris, 1965;
BOULAY, Anthony du, 'Christie's Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics', Phaidon - Chistie's, Oxford, 1984 (Copyright);
BROWN, Roxanna Maude, 'The Ming Gap and Shipwreck Ceramics in Southeast Asia. Towards a Chronology of Thai Trade Ware', The Siam Society, Bangkok, 2009 (Copyright);
DESROCHES, Jean-Paul, 'Le Jardin des Porcelaines', Editions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, Paris, 1987;
EKLOF, Tommy, 'Dating Chinese Porcelain from Facial Features and Adornments. A Handbook', s/d, s/d, s/d;
GOMPERTZ, G. St. G. M., 'Chinese Celadon Wares', Faber and Faber, London, 1958 (Copyright);
HOWARD, David S., 'A Tale of Three Cities: Canton, Shanghai & Hong Kong. Three Centuries of Sino-British Trade in the Decorative Arts', Sotheby's Publications, London, 1997;
KERR, Rose; MENGONI, Luisa E.,'Chinese Export Ceramics', V&A Publishing, London, 2011;
SARGENT, William R., 'Treasures of Chinese Export Ceramics from the Peabody Essex Museum', Peabody Essex Museum, Massachusetts, s/d;
SATO, Masahiko, 'Chinese Ceramics. A Short Story', John Weatherhill, Inc, New York and Tokyo, 1981;
STRÖBER, Eva, 'La Maladie de Porcelaine. East Asian Porcelain from the Collection of Augustus the Strong', Edition Leipzig, Berlin, 2001;
TSANG, Gerard C. C. (Ed.), 'Earth & Fire. Ceramics Donated by the national Museum of Chinese History Beijing, China', The Urban Council, Hong Kong, 1991;
The Tsui Museum of Art, 'A Legacy of Chenghua. Imperial Porcelain of the Chenghua Reign Excavated from Zhushan, Jingdezhen', The Tsui Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1993;
WEI, Ji, 'Chinese Ceramics', Shanghai Press & Publishing Development Company, (Shanghai), 2010 (Copyright);
WILLIAMSON, George C., 'The Book of Famille Rose', Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland and Tokyo, 1970 (Copyright);
WOOD, Nigel, 'Chinese Glazes', A&C Black Publishers Ltd., London, 1999 (Copyright);
XIGUI, Ma, 'Porcelains of the Yuan Dynasty', Beijing Arts and Photography Publishing House, Beijing, 2004


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