Untitled (document written in the Bété alphabet)

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré (1923-2014)


2.500 - 3.500


15 February 2023


Marker on a vinyl cover ("Les Plus Jolis Noëls", Disques Vogue, 1968)
Signed and dated 10-4-1993
(various defects)

62x31,5 cm


Modern and Contemporary Art

Additional Information

Frédéric Bruly Bouabré drawings recorded what he observed both from his people, the Bété from the Ivory Coast, to scenes from everyday life. From the 1950s, Bruly Bouabré developed the Bété Alphabet, a fundamental part of his legacy, using pictograms (more than 400, which represent scenes from life) to represent the sounds of the Bété speech. This way, the artist intended learning to be easier and more natural for his people, aiming, however, for this alphabet to become universally used. In addition to the didactic function, Bouabré also intended to escape the cultural dominance from the West, by using another representation system totally different from the Roman alphabet.

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