The Child Jesus as The Good Shepherd


10.000 - 16.000

Session 1

6 June 2023


Indo-Portuguese ivory sculpture of The Child Jesus as The Good Shepherd seating on a heart crowning a three stepped rocky mount.
Above the Child’s head a carved ivory plaque portraying the Holy Eternal Father, mounted on a later date wooden spike.
The Good Shepherd is depicted in His characteristic position, seated cross legged, with His head resting on the right hand, one sheep seating on His lap and another on His left.
His curly hair is representative of this type of Indo-Portuguese imagery as is the attire of diamond patterned tunic tied at the waist.
On the mount’s upper section a centrally placed fountain of classical mask decoration flanked by the Virgin Mary on one side and by Saint Joseph on the other.
On the middle step an image of John The Baptist and, on the lower section a small cave in which reclines Mary Magdalene accompanied by Her attributes: the Calvary Cross and the ointments container.
The base of the composition is decorated with a row of winged angels.
India, 17th century

Height: 39 cm



Closed Auction