Histórias de identidade, 2012

Vasco Araújo (b. 1975)


7.000 - 10.000


4 February 2016


Digital photograph and vinyl text

160x100 cm


Modern and Contemporary Art

Additional Information

Vasco Araújo belongs to the generation of artists who in the 2000s
have contributed to an unprecedented international promotion of
Portuguese art. His work, of a strong scenic quality, is populated
by literary, historical and cultural references from a variety of
sources, including opera and classical mythology. Also frequent is
the questioning of our relation with — sexual, racial — difference
and a critical re-evaluation of Portugal’s colonial past.
Histórias de identidade [Identity Stories], 2013 is a series of old blackand-
white photographs featuring the figure of a volcano. Here the
volcano is a metaphor that, in the artist’s words, ‘serves the purpose
of speaking about the internal dimension of the human being as a
psychological entity in constant change and evolutionary process.’
Among Araújo’s most recent solo exhibitions include: ‘Demasiado
pouco, demasiado tarde’, CIAJG – Centro Internacional de Arte José
Guimarães, Guimarães, Portugal; ‘La Schiav’, CAPC – Musée d’art
contemporain de Bordeaux, Bordeaux; ‘E eles tinham coisas para me
dizer…’, CAV – Centro de Artes Visuais, Coimbra; and ‘Potestad’,
Museu de Arte Latino-Americana de Buenos Aires (all 2015).

Closed Auction