Experiência flutuante – Percurso urbano, 2014

Carla Filipe (b. 1973)


1.800 - 2.200


4 February 2016


Acrylic spray on fabric

83x95 cm


Modern and Contemporary Art

Additional Information

Carla Filipe is one of the most relevant Portuguese artists of her
generation with a solid, international career. Her artistic practice,
including drawing, texts, performance and spatial interventions, often
begins with her personal story. From here she comments on the social
and political transformations that give form to reality. This is the case
with Experiência flutuante – Percurso urbano [Floating Experience – Urban
Route] replicating the iconography of the Portuguese railway context.
Filipe grew up in a community of railway workers and has collected
a series of images related to this environment, from obsolete signs
to deactivated machines frequently covered in graffiti. The decision
to employ spray paint in the reproduction of these graphic elements
relates to the culture of graffiti and reinforces the punk aesthetic and
do-it-yourself approach so typical of Filipe’s work.
Amongst her last exhibitions are: ‘Não fechar, voltamos todos os dias’,
Solar – Galeria de Arte Cinemática, Vila do Conde, Portugal (2014); ‘Da
cauda à cabeça’, Museu Colecção Berardo, Lisbon (2014); ‘António Filipe’
(with António Bolota), Parkour, Lisbon (2013); ‘As primas da Bulgária,
Part One’, Kunstverein, Milan (2012); and ‘Um olhar periférico sobre a
cultura (London ? UK)’, Der Vierte Raum, Bremen, Germany (2012).

Closed Auction