Auction 148 Antiques & Works of Art, Silver & Jewellery + The Imaginary World of Luiz Ferreira: A Private Collection




25.000 - 45.000

Session 1

17 March 2025


In lacquered wood
With raised and polychrome decoration in Bantam work, depicting a mountainous landscape, vase with flowers and other floral motifs
Interior with six drawers of different sizes
Yellow metal fittings, cut and chiseled
China, 17th century
(minor losses and defects)

36,5x35x39 cm

Additional Information

A very similar example is in the Victoria and Albert Museum collection (inv. FE.97 to F-1974), dated circa 1620-1680. The term ‘Bantam work’ refers to a polychrome lacquer decoration
technique, associated with the port of Bantam in Indonesia, through which many Asian goods destined for Europe passed. This cabinet exemplifies Chinese export production, combining Asian
decorative techniques with European influences.

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