An important Louis XVI "pendule portique" by Robert & Courvoisier


22.000 - 30.000

Session 2

6 June 2023


White and black marble
Chiselled and gilt bronze mounts, surmounted by urn of floral, lions heads, lyres, oak foliage with bow, horns of plenty and love trophy elements
White enamelled dial of black Arabic numbering with coaxial hand for monthly calendar and signed Robert & Courvoisier
Two movement mechanism, chimes the quarters in two bells and the hours preceded by short pipe organ musical tune
Suspended by two fluted, bronze mounted columns
Resting on an architectural wooden, bronze and white and black marble structure
Balustrade decoration to top on a lozenge geometric patterned ground in red, black and lilac simulating balcony
Interior with pinned cylinder musical box to action the pipe organ
Flower garlands, columns and lateral rosettes decoration with pierced bronze covers, the frontal with music trophy decoration and two applied Sèvres porcelain plaques with angels
France, ca. 1780
(mechanism in need of repairing, losses, faults, signs of wear, evidence of woodworm)

110x59x33 cm




In the present, when it is possible to measure time with high precision instruments, the concept of “time” continues to surprise and dazzle us, in equal manner to the master clockmaker to whom we owe the lot being brought into sale at auction. The Courvoisier family, originally from La Chaux-de-Fonds, performed a major role in the development of the Swiss carriage clock and was undoubtedly the main clock making family in the region. Various consecutive family generations were, in one way or another, involved in the clock making business, albeit in a variety of associations. Josué Robert and his son founded “Robert Josué et fils”; in 1781 the firm became “J. Robert et fils et Cie”, being then managed by capitan Louis Robert and by Louis Courvoisier. From 1787 onwards Robert’s widow assumed the firm’s direction, firstly under the name “Robert & Courvoisier”, as seen in the present example, then, from 1805, as “Robert, Courvoisier et Cie”, and later, between 1811 and 1845 as “Courvoisier et Cie”. In 1852 another change, this time to “Courvoisier Frères”and, in the 20th century, it remained under the same family management.

Closed Auction