Auction 86 Antiques & Works of Art


An Allegory for the marriage of "Infante D.Pedro com a nossa Princesa"


1.200 - 1.800

Session 2

29 May 2019


Indian ink and white gouache
A very rare preparatory drawing for a "Rua dos Condes" theatre set inscribed: "P.ª a Rua dos Condes em 12 de Agosto de 1816 para festejar a nota do casamento do Infante D. P.º (Pedro Carlos de Bourbon y Bragança, infante de Espanha) com a nossa Princesa (D. Maria Teresa de Bragança, princesa da Beira)"

35,5x31 cm



Additional Information

Cyrillo Volkmar Machado designed stage sets for both Teatro do Salitre and Teatro de S. Carlos, but there is no mention in his Memoirs to any set designed for the Teatro da Rua dos Condes. There is however a drawing in his collection, deposited at the Academia Nacional de Belas Artes in Lisbon, with the caption: “P.ª a rua dos Condes no Sabio da Babilónia” (“For the “Sábio da Babilónia” at Rua dos Condes”). Additionally and to reinforce this evidence we are now presenting this drawing for sale.

Closed Auction