Auction 148 Antiques & Works of Art, Silver & Jewellery + The Imaginary World of Luiz Ferreira: A Private Collection


A large centrepiece


20.000 - 30.000

Session 4

18 March 2025


Silver, fineness .950

Raised decoration featuring cartouches with scenes from the life of Triton and Amphitrite

Elaborately adorned with vegetal and shell motifs, along with finely sculpted figures in high relief

Resting on claw feet

Interior lined with silver-plated brass.

France, 19th/20th century

Hallmarked for silver standard (post-1838), with maker’s mark of Émile Sanner (registered 1892) and commercial mark MÉRITE FABI

No Portuguese hallmarks

(dents and restorations)

28x81x43 cm
13710 g

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