Auction 132 Antiques & Works of Art, Silver & Jewellery


A casket


5.000 - 7.000

Session 3

26 October 2023


Turtle shell coated wood
Pierced silver mounts featuring caryatids and zoomorphic feet
With no Portuguese marks
Sinhalese-Portuguese branch, 16th / 17th century
(minor losses and signs of wear)

13,5x14x8 cm



Additional Information

A similar casket was exhibited at the 2004 Portuguese Antique Dealers Association Fair and published in the catalogue "José Baptista - A Arte e o Engenho", p.6, nr. 3. That casket, now at Colombo's National Museum, in Sri Lanka (former Ceylon), was also featured in DIAS, Pedro - "Portugal e Ceilão - Baluartes, Marfim e Pedraria", Santander Totta, Lisboa, 2006, p.206.

Closed Auction