PINTO, Alexandre de Serpa, 1846-1900


75 - 125


18 December 2014


How I crossed Africa: from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, through unknown countries; discovery of the Great Zambesi affluents, &c. by (...) Translated from the author's manuscript By Alfred Elwes in two volumes. Containing 15 maps and facsimiles, and 132 Illustrations, Vol. I - The King’s Rifle (e Vol. II - The Coillard Family), London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, e Rivington, 1881. - 2 vols. : XXX, 377, [1], 32 ; VII, 388 p. : (23 cm) : Il. : Enc. Primeira edição inglesa. Profusamente ilustrado, a negro, no texto e em extratexto. Interior limpo. Encadernação do editor, em tela, ilustrada, com sinais de manuseamento e defeitos (falta de tela) na lombada do vol. II.


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