Auction 113 Antiques & Works of Art, Silver & Jewellery


A letter by King Miguel I of Portugal to the Dr. António Joaquim Ribeiro Gomes Abreu


500 - 700

Session 2

16 March 2022


MIGUEL, Dom (Rei de Portugal).- 1 Autographed letter (2p;20cm.).
Letter addressed to Coimbra University Professor Dr. Antonio Joaquim Ribeiro Gomes d’Abreu, staunch absolutist, that had resigned his University chair for refusing to swear fidelity to the legal institutions and to Queen Maria II: …The honour, indifference and firmness of character with which you have resigned the Chair of Lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Coimbra, that you had won through your study and knowledge should be a model to follow; Justifying the impossibility of providing any assistance continues: …Finding myself in exile living from the assistance of my friends I do not have resources to reward you; and to prove how honouring your conduct is however, you must count that I will share with you ever, that bread of tears that I shall have, as from this day onwards, I will regard you as a member of my family and as another son of mine”
It is curious to refer that this vow did indeed materialize as King Miguel I did invite Dr. Gomes de Abreu to Bronnbach as tutor of his children in exile
Signed and dated Nauheim 3rd July 1856

20x13 cm


Books and Manuscripts

Additional Information

Carta dirigida ao Prof. da Universidade de Coimbra Dr. Antonio Joaquim Ribeiro Gomes d'Abreu, absolutista convicto, que se havia demitido da cátedra por não querer prestar juramento de fidelidade ás instituições vigentes e a D. Maria: "..A honra, desinteresse e firmeza de carácter com que renunciastes a Cadeira de Lente Substituto da Faculdade de Medicina na Universidade de Coimbra, que vos tinheis ganho com o vosso estudo e saber devem servir de modelo"; Justificando a impossibilidade de prestar qualquer ajuda diz: "...Achando-me no exílio e vivendo do Obolo dos meus amigos não tenho com que vos possa remunerar; é provar quanto a vossa conducta he honroza, porém, vós deveis contar que eu repartirei convosco sempre, desse pão de lágrimas que eu tiver, porque de hoje em diante, vos considero como hum membro da minha familia, e agora mais hum filho". Estas palavras levaram a que o Dr. Gomes Abreu aceitasse o lugar de preceptor dos filhos de D. Miguel. Viveu o resto da sua vida em Bronnbach, acabando por morrer ali seis meses após o seu soberano.

Closed Auction