Auction 103 Antiques & Works of Art, Silver & Jewellery


Portuguese school, 18th century (later part)


3.000 - 5.000

Session 2

10 December 2020


Family portrait of double armorial to right hand top.
On the left armorial for Cardoso (?) and on the right quartered with I- Salema(?), II - (?), III - Lobo, IV- Cabral; possibly referring to André Cardoso Moniz Evangelho (1720-?) and his wife Inês de Saldanha Salema (ca.1730-?) whose children were Bernarda de Saldanha Noronha e Menezes and Maria Joaquina Saldanha Noronha Menezes e Evangelho
The central figure has on the lap a Portuguese translation of Edward Young's (1683-1765) Night-Thoughts, opened on Night III - Immortality

112x75 cm



Closed Auction